Types, principles and applications of protective additives for rubber products
Henan GO Biotech Co., Ltd.
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Rubber product protective additives play a key role in extending the life of rubber materials and maintaining their performance.聚氯化铝絮凝剂%20(3).jpg

Types and principles of protective additives for rubber products

Rubber products are widely used in automobiles, construction, industry and other fields, but their performance tends to gradually decline due to environmental factors (such as ultraviolet rays, ozone, chemicals). In order to solve this problem, rubber product protective additives came into being. According to their functions, these additives are mainly divided into the following categories:

1. Antioxidants

Antioxidants are mainly used to prevent rubber from aging under the action of heat and oxygen. Commonly used antioxidants include amine compounds and phenolic compounds.

2. UV absorber

UV absorbers protect rubber products from UV damage by absorbing harmful UV rays and converting them into heat.

3. Antiozonants

Ozone can cause cracks on the rubber surface, and antiozonants protect rubber products by reacting with ozone.

4. Metal passivator

Metal passivators react with metal ions in the rubber, thereby preventing metal-catalyzed oxidation and degradation of the rubber.

Effects in practical applications

Through market research and industry case analysis, we can see the effects of different types of protective additives in actual applications:

Automobile tires: Tires with added antioxidants and UV absorbers show better durability and safety under high temperatures and strong light.

Industrial rubber seals: The use of antiozonants allows seals to maintain a longer service life when exposed to ozone environments.

Building materials: Rubber building materials containing metal passivators can resist various corrosive factors from the external environment, thereby extending their service life.

Choosing the right protective additive

To help companies and consumers make informed decisions when choosing protective additives, we recommend the following steps:

1. Analyze the use environment: select the appropriate type of protective additive according to the specific application environment of the rubber product.

2. Consider the additive ratio: When selecting additives, it is necessary to consider their ratio in the rubber formula to achieve the best effect.

3. Refer to industry standards: Use protective additives that meet industry standards and specifications to ensure their effectiveness and safety.

Market research and industry case sharing

Through specific market research and industry cases, we found that those companies that use appropriate protective additives enjoy a clear advantage in product quality and durability. For example, a leading automobile tire manufacturer introduced the latest antioxidants and UV absorbers in its products, making its tires perform better in various environments, and the market feedback was very positive.

In general, rubber product protective additives are of great significance for protecting and extending the service life of rubber products. Enterprises should focus on selecting appropriate additives to meet the specific needs of their products.

For personalized service and more professional advice, please contact our customer support team. We will do our best to provide you with the best solution.

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