Importance and solutions of synthetic rubber protection
Henan GO Biotech Co., Ltd.
Special report
Learn about synthetic rubber aging issues and how to protect against them to extend product life.

Aging Problems of Synthetic Rubber

In modern industry and life, synthetic rubber is widely used in various products. However, when exposed to the external environment for a long time, synthetic rubber is easily affected by factors such as ultraviolet rays, oxygen, ozone, and high temperatures, leading to aging and performance degradation. According to research data, about 40% of synthetic rubber products will be scrapped due to aging problems within 3 to 5 years of use, causing considerable economic losses to enterprises.

Solution: Effective protective measures

In order to extend the service life of synthetic rubber products, a series of scientific protective measures need to be taken. Here are some effective strategies:

1. Use antioxidants

Adding antioxidants during the production process is a common and effective method. These chemicals neutralize free radicals in rubber and prevent aging caused by oxygen. Data shows that adding an appropriate amount of antioxidants can extend the service life of synthetic rubber by 20%-30%.

2. Use UV absorbers

UV absorbers significantly reduce the effects of UV radiation on synthetic rubber. By absorbing and converting UV rays, these substances effectively prevent cracking of the rubber surface, thereby extending the weather resistance of the product.

3. Avoid high temperature environment

Synthetic rubber is more likely to age at high temperatures, so high temperature environments should be avoided during storage and use. Reasonable control of the production process temperature and storage environment can effectively extend the service life of synthetic rubber products.

4. Regular maintenance and inspection

Regular maintenance and inspection can detect signs of aging of rubber products in time and take corresponding remedial measures. For example, regular application of protective oil, checking for cracks, etc. can effectively prevent premature damage to rubber products.

In short, through scientific and reasonable protective measures, the service life of synthetic rubber products can be effectively extended, the performance and durability of the product can be improved, and more economic benefits and safety guarantees can be brought to enterprises and users.

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