Application of advanced plasticizers in synthetic rubber and their potential in the paper industry in Southeast Asia
Henan GO Biotech Co., Ltd.
Industry Information
Explore the application of advanced plasticizers in synthetic rubber and their potential advantages for papermakers in Southeast Asia.
Synthetic rubber is widely used in the paper industry, especially in the manufacture of paper, which requires a large number of rubber products. However, Southeast Asia papermaking companies are currently facing the following important issues: First of all, due to performance issues with traditional plasticizer products, rubber products have insufficient toughness, resulting in reduced operating efficiency of paper machines and increased production costs. According to the latest market research data, more than 65% of paper companies in the region stated that their production equipment needs to be upgraded to improve overall operational efficiency. In addition, the problem of non-environmentally friendly plasticizers has become increasingly prominent. Paper companies must face increasingly stringent environmental regulations while pursuing production efficiency. Especially in the Southeast Asian market, environmental protection regulations are becoming increasingly strict, and about 58% of companies believe that existing plasticizers cannot meet the requirements of new regulations. In response to the above problems, the application of advanced plasticizers provides a series of effective solutions: First, the introduction of advanced plasticizers has achieved major breakthroughs in functional performance. Its application in synthetic rubber can significantly improve the toughness and wear resistance of rubber, thereby extending the service life of papermaking equipment. According to test data from independent laboratories, the service life of synthetic rubber products using advanced plasticizers can be extended by nearly 40%. Secondly, advanced plasticizers are made of environmentally friendly materials and comply with environmental regulations. Its low volatility not only reduces environmental pollution, but also significantly reduces environmental fines and related costs that companies may face. At the same time, according to market reports, among companies using advanced plasticizers, environmental protection costs have been reduced by about 25% on average. In general, the application of advanced plasticizers in synthetic rubber can not only improve the efficiency and service life of production equipment for Southeast Asian papermaking companies, but also reduce related costs while complying with strict environmental regulations. For paper companies in the Southeast Asian market, investing in advanced plasticizers is undoubtedly a choice with significant economic benefits and long-term development potential. By introducing advanced technologies and materials, companies can not only solve existing production problems, but also gain strategic advantages in market competition.
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